India is one of the largest suppliers of human hair in the world. The collected strands become hair extensions for countries in Europe, the Far East and the Americas. There are some facts that make Indian hair a profitable market:
- The quality of Indian hair is due to a cultural issue, as women in India do not change their hair as in Brazil, Indian women do not use chemical products that can damage the natural hair;
- Indian women have very long hair because it represents femininity and sensuality, other characteristics are: straight, dark and with a natural shine. To have this quality of hair, Indian women take great care of their hair. In addition, they tend to moisten the hair roots with oils used in cooking, such as coconut oil and fenugreek oil, which have rich properties that help in strengthening and growing hair;
- Adepts of Hindu temples shave their hair as a form of religious sacrifice. That is, many women wait for their hair to grow and deliver it to the temple as a thank you, so due to this religious practice. There is a lot of raw material for the hair extensions market. The temple best known for this ritual is in the city of Tirupati. There is where Indian hair is collected and sold every year, earning millions of dollars.
The characteristics of Indian hair are: thin, straight or slightly wavy strands. Furthermore, Indian hair is one of the best quality hair, especially when it comes to the Remy type.
Hair types in India
Talking about the types of human hair:
Remy Hair - collected from different sources, but with the root and tip arranged in the same direction, ensuring the alignment of the wires and with great quality. The fact that all the cuticles are positioned in the same direction, the hair does not tangle, and thus the appearance is more natural. These hairs follow a severe cleaning process, eliminating the risk of unwanted residues that are often found in human hair, such as nits, dandruff, etc.;
No Remy - collected from different sources, but not kept in the same direction (tip to tip, root to root). So it is difficult to deal with this type of hair, being necessary to remove the cuticles, so the hair becomes fragile;
- Virgin hair - the origin is known, collected from a single source.
So, Indian hair has a great importance for the hair extensions market. This type of hair is very versatile, despite being straight/wavy, Indian hair can be used on all types of strands, from the smoothest to the curliest and even to make perms. As it is virgin or Remy hair, it is possible to work with it in different ways.
Indians have a strong connection with hair and use it in different rituals. For example, gluing a lock of hair into a ball and throwing it into the river Ganges as an offering to the gods.
Also, the husband cutting a piece of his wife's braid, throwing it in the river, ensuring happiness and health for the family. Thus, the Indian hair market is very profitable and of great importance for this sector of beauty.