There are different hair extension methods that can be applied to any type of hair. Let's list the necessary materials for those who work with this beautiful art of hair lengthening:
Intertwining - consists of braiding the hair close to the scalp and sewing the strands of the extension into these braids;
American stitch method - a screen with threads that closely resemble natural hair is sewn onto natural hair using a crochet type needle;
Stretching with keratin - some locks of hair are glued close to the natural strands, heating the keratin in place;
Microlinks - the strands of the hair extension join the natural strands with the help of metallic rings (the microlinks);
Tic-tac - these are clips that fix the extension to natural hair, it can be a canvas or an individual strand.
Therefore, among other things, you will need: fabric with hair extension, loose hair, strip of adhesive tape, tic tac (wick or fabric), pliers, needles, flat iron (board to heat the keratin), loop brushes. Deep moisturizing products.
However, the beauty of hair extension is associated with the skill of the hairdresser. Many professionals invest in courses and good products and they can work in two areas:
- Preparing, producing and selling hair extensions;
- Applying and maintaining hair extensions.
There is a huge demand for the hair extension market and, for this reason, it is worth investing in good qualifications in order to offer a quality service.
There are several reasons why people seek the services of professionals who do hair extensions, in addition to seeking a change of look, there are people who seek to regain their self-esteem.
Which is all the more reason for the professional to have enormous knowledge. She not only deals with aesthetic issues, but also with emotional ones.
The contents of a good course, in short, should cover:
- The structure of strands and types of hair;
- Hair preparation to receive the megahair;
- The application and finishing techniques of capillary stretching;
- Choosing the best technique for each client;
- Maintenance, washing, cutting, coloring and brushing hair with extensions;
- The choice to acquire the necessary instruments for the application of hair extension.
Classes must be theoretical and practical and offer the necessary knowledge for the hairdresser to become an expert in the art of hair extension.