Hair extension has become a trend for those who want to change their look, so in this article we show you the details about hair fusion - the different methods and techniques to change your hair, whether changing the length or volume and building a magnificent image.
Hair fusion unites the natural hair strands with the hair extension strands. Hairdressers combine natural and artificial hair using different techniques. Hair fusion has many advantages as it can be washed, conditioned and styled like natural hair.
There are two major categories:
Hot Fusion - also known as keratin hair extension or tip hair extension. This method attaches, through heating, to the extension with a keratin-based tape, that is, a heated keratin adhesive is applied to the natural hair. This method is actually gentler on the hair than regular glue, as your hair is already made up of 90% keratin. Application time is around three hours and lasts from 2 to 4 months;
- Cold fusion - known as micro-link or I-Tip extension is a method applied by weaving small sections of hair through a micro-link tube, which are tufts of hair held together with a steel ring. To install cold fusion hair extensions, you must use weaving tools and pliers to weave the small sections of hair. They are ideal for curly or wavy hair because the hooks are invisible. Cold fusion is smoother than hot fusion.
There are two popular types of hair extensions:
I-Tip - human hair extension that has an “I” shape is also known as a cold fusion extension and is applied by the micro ring process using a pulling tool such as a hook. This tool pulls the hair through a small ring (made of aluminum or copper). Then the rings are compacted and flattened with special pliers (compression process). It is not recommended for those undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy, nor for curly or thick hair because the strands can become tangled;
- U-Tip - is shaped like a nail, also known as a hot melt extension, are among the most common types of extensions used by hair specialists today. A hair professional fixes the strands with keratin using a hot extension iron. Due to the hardness of keratin, they should only be applied by hair professionals;
And there is a third type:
- Flat-Tip - similar to U-Tip keratin hair extensions, as it is also fixed by heating, what differentiates the two is the shape, because the Flat-Tip has a flat shape. Both extensions can only be applied with heating tools to melt the keratin, although they use a fraction of heat, which is less than heating a flat iron, still, heating can damage the strands or make them more fragile.
When applying hair extensions, it is necessary to obtain information, especially regarding the result expected by your client, that is, he wants more lightness, more movement, more volume, among other characteristics.
And also, observe if the natural hair is brittle, damaged, strong, healthy, straight or curly. In this way, you will be able to choose the most suitable hair extension for your client.