The North American hairdresser Andre Walker classified the types of hair, although there is no general consensus regarding this type of hair, it is useful to better understand the hair strands and be able to better choose the hair extension.
Hair type classification |
1A |
2A |
3A |
4A |
1B |
2B |
3B |
4B |
1C |
2C |
3C |
4C |
1A: it is so smooth and draped that it becomes difficult to keep any accessory or hairstyle on it for a long time, because it is very thin, it tends to tangle easily, it is usually more oily and shiny.
1B: this type of hair has thicker and fuller strands, although it is still straight, it tends to be more voluminous and less oily.
1C: It has much thicker wires than type 1B, heavy and straight.
2A: it is similar to straight hair, but has a slight wave, it is the least voluminous of wavy hair.
2B: it has a more accentuated S wave and presents frizz on the top of the head.
2C: it has thicker strands with a lot of volume, in addition to the “S” curve being more accentuated and the waves of this type of hair are more defined and closer to curly hair. It tends to be oily on the scalp and a little drier on the ends.
3A: curls grow from the root and curls are more open, usually have a lot of shine, more volume and definition than wavy hair and it is quite oily.
3B: it has more defined, tight curls with spiral waves, is more wavy at the root and has more defined curls at the ends. It has a lot of frizz and volume.
3C: the curls are well defined and closed, the hair looks smaller than it really is because the curls make the strands shorter. The hair tends to be more dry and has a lot of volume and definition.
4A: it has a fragile and thin structure, the strands are tightly wound from the root and have a lot of volume.
4B: it has less defined locks, it also has thin and dry strands.
4C: it has zig-zag wires, but with some areas without any definition and very voluminous.
It is important to match your hair type with the hair extension so that the textures are not too different, if your hair is 3A, do not use a 2C extension.
So, for:
Curly and coily hair - are very sensitive and fragile and you should choose the hair extension well for this hair type:
- Extension with keratin glue - where thin strands of hair are applied using a special keratin glue;
- Thread by thread extension (Italian knot) - highly recommended for curly hair and also for other hair types. The natural hair is twisted to receive the extension locks that are secured with a special elastic;
- Braided extension - natural hair is tied into low braids that serve as the basis for extension screens that are sewn into the braids;
- Adhesive extension - adhesive hair bands are interspersed with a thin layer of natural hair, which gives support to the appliqué. It is the extension that least damages the hair, for this reason, it is the most suitable for those who have thin and fragile hair;
- Microlink extension - the locks are attached to the hair with a steel ring, it offers less damage to the hair, thus, it is quite suitable for curly and curly hair that are more fragile.
- Wavy and straight hair - these are easy hair to put on a hair extension, however, as mentioned before, it is important to combine your hair with the extension so that the result is very natural.
Thus, there are many options for those who want to have beautiful, long and voluminous hair. But, understanding your hair clients type helps when choosing the best hair extensions and the most suitable treatments and care for their hair strands.