Hair type usually has a genetic origin; that is, children or grandchildren of people with curly hair will have a great chance of having the same type of hair.
Keratin, a protein present in the hair strands, is responsible for the straight or curly shape; in the first, keratin surrounds the strand (regular distribution).
On the other hand, the second will have more keratin on one side than the other (irregular distribution ), so the side with less keratin is more fragile.
Many people desire long and voluminous hair, so they resort to hair extensions. Some think that wavy hair does not allow for stretching; however, there are different techniques for different hair, including curly hair.
When looking to do hair extensions and have wonderful hair, hair health must be ensured to protect the wires before the procedure.
There are several techniques to lengthen your hair, and it is important to use the service of a qualified professional: she will analyze your hair type and what will be the best technique for you.
There is a classification for hair:
- Straight - do not present waves, are more malleable, and tend to be oily at the root;
- Wavy - usually have oily roots and dry ends; their structure is between straight and curly;
- Curly - its spiral structure (like a spring) does not allow the oil from the root to reach the ends, leaving them dry.
For a good hair extension application, especially in hair that is not straight, the implanted wires need to have the same characteristics as the original ones. For wavy and curly hair, there are also different techniques; they are:
- Stretching with keratin glue - thin strands are applied using keratin glue that is heated with tweezers and glued to natural hair. It is not recommended for hair damaged by previous chemical processes, as they are fragile. There is no contraindication for wavy and curly hair;
- Stretching thread by thread - very suitable for curly hair; natural hair is twisted and receives small strands of the extensions and are secured with an elastic band;
- Braiding - suitable for all types of hair, natural hair is braided to receive the extensions that are sewn into these braids;
- American stitch - consists of sewing fabrics of hair to natural threads as if it were crochet;
- Microlink - the extension locks are attached to the natural hair with a steel ring; as it is not done too close to the root, it offers minor damage to the natural hair.
As you can see, everyone can benefit from hair extension techniques and have long, voluminous hair. And to always keep them beautiful, experts recommend doing monthly maintenance, avoiding shampoos with salt, in addition to trying to hydrate them whenever possible.