The origin of hair extension is ancient, long and full of stories behind. Read this article to know more about this subject.

Hair Extension Throughout History

Ancient Period

In Egypt (period between approximately 3100 BC to 330 BC) - this empire was formed by civilizations that were concentrated near the Nile River, it is with these people that we have the first record of capillary lengthening.

Excavations revealed impressive facts - they found a skeleton of a woman who had a wig formed by layers of different types and colors of hair, suggesting to researchers that several people donated their hair to form this capillary extension.

It is believed that the Egyptians used this hair to improve their appearance, however, they did not only have an aesthetic function, in antiquity, wigs represented social status, as they were used by Egyptians from the wealthier classes, such as pharaohs and politicians.

In archaeological finds, hair extensions made with human hair were found, as well as dyed sheep wool wigs tied with knots in natural hair.

In addition to the aesthetic and social issue, hair extensions fulfilled the sanitary function, that is, the solution arranged by the Egyptians, for the plague of lice was to cut the hair short or shave it, so they needed hair extensions.

In Ancient China, hair extension was used as a sign of social status and wealth.
The Japanese considered long hair a sign of nobility, and also a means of defending oneself from evil.

Modern Age and Contemporary Age

In this period, long wigs were very popular. Some historians believe that they were popularized by the French King Louis XIV (1638-1715), who tried to hide his baldness and, also with an aesthetic function, Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) took advantage of false hair to increase her height.

However, in addition to the aesthetic aspect, there was also the social aspect, since in the 18th century, magistrates, lawyers and other members of the upper class began to wear long wigs that were considered a status symbol, the longer, the more power and status.

By the end of the 19th century, the art of hair extension had spread to other countries in Europe and America.

Already in the 60s, locks of hair were attached to the top of the head, with a scarf, getting very high and with bangs - this “look” became known as “beehive”, later popularized by female bands, such as “The Ronettes”.

Brigitte Bardot and Jackie Kennedy introduced the idea of ​​stretching as part of their everyday “look”. Such hair was very expensive and very few people used hair extensions.

The demand for human hair for extensions has led to the creation of an industry of buying and selling human hair.

Hair extension as we know it today was perfected in the late 20th century. It became commercially more accessible from the 1990s onwards, with modern application techniques, such as barrettes and keratin inserts.


Nowadays, hair extension is popular all over the world and is used to create hairstyles, increase hair volume and length, and change the overall appearance. There are many different types of extensions available, from those made from synthetic hair to those made from virgin human hair.

Today, hair extension is part of the accessories, “Influencers”, like the Kardashians sisters, are seen using hair extensions.

Hair extensions were developed not only to improve hair length or to remedy hair problems, but also to add volume or add other shades.

Hair extensions have served many purposes throughout history. It started as a status symbol, turned into a practical accessory. Now, it is an indispensable part of the look, composing not only the person's look, but also the way they see and feel good about themselves, it is a way of expressing their state of mind and personality.

Throughout history, we have observed that before hair extensions were exclusive to people with a higher social position.

Nobles simulated the look with cloaks or wigs and hair extensions, distinguishing them from priests, who wore their heads and bodies shaved.
The threads to make the wigs were taken from the ponytail and the curls were made with cylinders heated in bakery ovens.


Share with us, do you know any hair extension curiosities in history?


  • Maria Esposito -

    Este tipo de contenido es lo que menos encuentro sobre megahair y es muy guay tenerlo :)

  • Anna G. -

    Love this type of article, post more like this :)

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